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Joe Guillen, Detroit Free Press
medical marijuana
(Photo: Salwan Georges, Detroit Free Press)

Cop, inspectors visit stores in crackdown

Detroit’s crackdown on marijuana storefront shops could lead to about 150 fewer shops than existed in the city at the height of the industry, Mayor Mike Duggan said.

Teams of city inspectors and police officers have begun visiting stores to enforce Detroit’s new medical marijuana ordinances, which took effect March 1.

“There is room in this town for probably 50 or 60 medical marijuana dispensaries spaced legitimately, and they have to be in industrial or high commercial areas,” Duggan said in an interview. “They can’t be in residential areas.”

The new laws require store operators to obtain a business license designed for the medical marijuana stores. Shops are prohibited from operating within 1,000 feet of a church, school, park, liquor store other marijuana shops and other places considered a drug-free zone under city law, such as libraries and child-care centers. Store operators will be able to apply to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance to operate within those boundaries.

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